
About Brian…

“We are all so busy managing our lives that we cover over this great mystery that we are involved with.” - John O’Donohue 

I think photography helps me appreciate that mystery of life that John O’Donohue is talking about. It helps me let go of a need to solve or understand it. When I have my camera in my hands it quiets and opens my mind and produces a powerful sense of aliveness within me. 

Whether I am hiking in nature, venturing through the bustling streets of a big city or just sitting quietly waiting for birds to land on my window feeder, taking photos aligns me with the present moment almost immediately.

It allows me to step outside the noise of my life, my mind and the world and simply become the observer. My perspective shifts. My heart opens. I’m filled with a sense of awe and wonder for the world around me. And I try to relay that deep sense of appreciation that I feel in my photos. 

As the photo at the top of this page says, I am “In pursuit of magic”. I embrace the mystery and the adventure of life and I look forward to sharing what I discover and see with you.

Thank you for visiting! 



To learn more about Brian’s work as an actor visit www.briansills.com